Our honey is one of the closest things to nature you can get.
We pride ourselves on being able to trace every jar of honey back to the site it came from and, because it's all small batch and single site, it's all limited edition.
We don't heat treat any of our honey and we don't use any chemicals in our hives.
We also offer a fill your own service - while we don't use plastic for any of our honey, we're more than happy to refill your container to keep it away from landfill. Just bring your own container into the shop and get 25% off the kilo price for that honey variety.
But wait, there's more...we're also able to supply honey in bulk. Again, while we generally pack our honey in glass jars, we can look at options for providing honey in non-glass containers, with 2.5kg, 5kg and 10kg options for a selection of our honey varieties.
We started off by suggesting what each honey was ideal for, but let's be honest...all our honey is great for toast, coffee, mead, baking and by the spoonful.